How to do the analysis in R

Scatter plot and correlation

Let’s explore the A walk through the woods data!

  1. It is best to make a folder on your computer Desktop where you will work on this assignment (if needed, review Best Practices).

  2. Download the file woods.csv (from the course BrightSpace) to the folder you made.

  3. Open and save a new R Script your folder. One of the first commands of your R Script will be to load your data. For example:

data1 <- read.csv(file = "woods.csv")
  1. In the Console, inspect your data to check that it has loaded. For example:

If your data has not loaded, the most likely problem is a spelling error or problems with specifying the path to woods.csv. You might try:

  1. After importing the data into R, read through the metadata file (below) to better understand the data.

Metadata Overview Original Article Data used in this exerise originates from a Zanne, A. E., et al. (2010) study. The full article reference can be found below.

Columns in the data frame

Column 1: Family - The taxonomic family of the plant

Column 2: Binomial - Refers to the genus and species for each plant

Column 3: Amm - Average cross-sectional vessel area (in \(mm^2\))

Column 4: Nnn - Number of vessels per unit cross section area (in \(mm^2\))

Column 5: F - (F = \(\frac{Amm^2}{Nmm^2}\) Fraction of cross sectional area that is in vessels (in \(mm^2/mm^2\))

Column 6: logA - log10 transformation of Amm (in \(mm^2\))

Column 7: logN - log10 transformation of Nmm (in \(mm^2\))

Column 8: logF - log10 transformation of F (in \(\frac{Amm^2}{Nmm^2}\)

Column 9: Dens - Wood density measurement

Column 10: AbsLat - Average of the absolute value of latitude (in degrees)


Zanne, A. E., Westoby, M., Falster, D. S., Ackerly, D. D., Loarie, S. R., Arnold, S. E. J., & Coomes, D. A. (2010). Angiosperm wood structure: Global patterns in vessel anatomy and their relation to wood density and potential conductivity. American Journal of Botany, 97(2), 207–215.

##          Family                   Binomial          F
## 1    Rhamnaceae      Krugiodendron ferreum 0.002922467   45 0.13151099
## 2      Fabaceae          Tamarindus indica 0.010386891    9 0.09348202
## 3 Anacardiaceae        Astronium urundeuva 0.009503318   15 0.14254977
## 4      Fabaceae      Dalbergia melanoxylon 0.013273229    7 0.09291260
## 5      Fabaceae         Swartzia corrugata 0.018385386    4 0.07354154
## 6      Fabaceae Caesalpinia paraguariensis 0.003848451   25 0.09621127
##        logA      logN       logF Dens    AbsLat
## 1 -2.534250 1.6532125 -0.8810379 1.35        NA
## 2 -1.983514 0.9542425 -1.0292719 1.28 10.133333
## 3 -2.022125 1.1760913 -0.8460335 1.21 14.000000
## 4 -1.877023 0.8450980 -1.0319254 1.20  4.633333
## 5 -1.735527 0.6020600 -1.1334673 1.20 10.000000
## 6 -2.414714 1.3979400 -1.0167740 1.18        NA
  1. You will want to do some exploration of your data. See Handling the data for how to recover the names of the columns for all the data.
##  [1] "Family"   "Binomial" ""     ""     "F"        "logA"    
##  [7] "logN"     "logF"     "Dens"     "AbsLat"
  1. It is now helpful to think about the data given your knowledge of Botany. Do you hypothesize a relationship between the data in any of the columns? You might start investigating your hypotheses by making a plot, for example, showing the Average cross-sectional vessel area and the number of vessels. To extract a column of the data, see Handling the data. You may use either Approach 1: base R or Approach 2: dplyr (generally, the dplyr commands tend to be simpler, however, it is good to also know the base R commands).

Approach 1: Base R

For the Average cross sectional vessel area, in the Console, try:


Be sure to type exactly after the $. Try making your plot, including a line of best fit:

plot(data1$, data1$, pch = 19, xlab = "Average cross sectional vessel area", ylab = "Number of vessels per unit cross sectional area", col="blue")
abline(lm(data1$ ~ data1$

You need to write the column names exactly as they appear in the output of names(data1) or RStudio will produce an error.

Approach 2: dplyr

To use the dplyr functions you need to load the package (and install if you have not already done so):


For the Average cross sectional vessel area, in the Console, try:


Note that the output of select(data1, is a data frame, but the plot function when used as plot(x,y) the x and y should be a vector. To make the same plot, but using dplyr functions, try:

p = data.frame(select(data1,, select(data1,
plot(p, pch = 19, xlab = "Average cross sectional vessel area",ylab = "Number of vessels per unit cross sectional area", col="blue")
abline(lm(p$ ~ p$

  1. Can you make a plot of different variables, for example, Wood density and Average of the absolute value of latitude?

  2. What happens if you type plot(data1$Family, data1$Binomial) in the Console? Why is this not a very sensible choice for something to plot?

  3. To analyze the relationship between variables we can use the cor(x,y,method = "pearson") function. See Correlation for details. Can you find the correlation coefficient for any two reasonable variables in the woods.csv data set? Which two did you choose? If you plot these same two variables do you see a relationship?

Comparing two means with a t.test

This section will give a brief overview of how to perform a sample t-test to compare the average cross-sectional vessel area between two families: Rhamnaceae and Fabaceae. This example is to illustrate the coding for the analysis; you will want to use your knowledge of Botany to formulate a hypothesis to test.

  1. First, produce two variables that contain the data.

Approach 1: Base R

Rhamnaceae = data1[data1$Family=="Rhamnaceae",]
Fabaceae = data1[data1$Family=="Fabaceae",]

Note that we are using [] to extract specific rows and columns of data1. Observe that data1$Family=="Rhamnaceae" means we want all the rows where the family is “Rhamnaceae”, and the , indicates we would like all the columns. Type the following to understand more about these variables:


The command head() reports the first 6 rows, and length(Rhamnaceae[,1]) gives the length of column 1 of the variable Rhamnaceae.

Approach 2: dplyr

Rhamnaceae = filter(data1,Family=="Rhamnaceae")
Fabaceae = filter(data1,Family=="Fabaceae")

You can also learn more about the data by using length() and head() as for the base R approach described above. To learn more about these functions see here.

  1. We would like to perform a t-test to compare the means of the average cross-sectional vessel area for Rhamnaceae and Fabaceae, however, before we do this we will graph these data to observe if we expect the t-test to find a significant difference in means. An instructive graph to make is a boxplot, since this will allow us to visualize the median value for each of the two families, as well as other quantiles, and extreme values.

Using the boxplot() function requires the data to be arranged in a data frame with a specific organization:

Approach 1: Base R

data = data.frame(Family = c(Rhamnaceae$Family,Fabaceae$Family), Area = c(Rhamnaceae$, Fabaceae$

To see the resulting data frame, data, run these commands:

##       Family        Area
## 1 Rhamnaceae 0.002922467
## 2 Rhamnaceae 0.000380133
## 3 Rhamnaceae 0.006361725
## 4 Rhamnaceae 0.008659015
## 5 Rhamnaceae 0.012271846
## 6 Rhamnaceae 0.005026548
##       Family       Area
## 101 Fabaceae 0.04154756
## 102 Fabaceae 0.03300636
## 103 Fabaceae 0.03141593
## 104 Fabaceae 0.01838539
## 105 Fabaceae 0.02544690
## 106 Fabaceae 0.01327323

Note that c() binds lists together, and in the Family column of the new data frame data, we need the value from the $Family column to be Rhamnaceae or Fabaceae. In the Area column of data we need the average cross-sectional area of the vessels $

Approach 2: dplyr

In dplyr, we can make the data frame, data, by using select() to choose columns, and filter() to keep the families of interest. We can do this efficiently using pipes:

data = select(data1,Family, %>%
##         Family       Area
## 101   Fabaceae 0.03300636
## 102 Rhamnaceae 0.01227185
## 103   Fabaceae 0.03141593
## 104   Fabaceae 0.01838539
## 105   Fabaceae 0.02544690
## 106   Fabaceae 0.01327323

Both approaches

If we have made a data frame with the correct structure, then we can use the boxplot() command to visualize the average cross sectional area for vessels of plants from the families Rhamnaceae and Fabaceae. If you are not familiar with boxplot() in R you can read about it from the quantitative training guide.

boxplot(Area~Family, data, ylab = "Av. cross-sectional area of vessels (mm)")

Note that the rectangle for the boxplot is the interquartile range (from the 25th to 75th percentiles of our data). The 25th percentile means that only 25% of Rhamnaceae and Fabaceae species have average cross-sectional vessel areas less than these values. From this box plot, it appears that the mean of the average cross-sectional vesseal area for Rhamnaceae species is different than for Fabaceae species, suggesting that we might expect the t-test to give a significant result.

  1. Performing a t-test) allows us to determine if the groups are statistically different and measures the probability that an observed difference could have occurred just by random chance. Here, we want to evaluate \(\alpha = 0.05\), indicating that we are comfortable with a 5% risk of concluding a difference exists when there is no difference. If our p-value is greater than \(\alpha\), both means are not statistically different.
t.test(Rhamnaceae$, Fabaceae$, alternative = 'two.sided',paired = FALSE)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  Rhamnaceae$ and Fabaceae$
## t = -8.1351, df = 46.385, p-value = 1.762e-10
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -0.01974705 -0.01191463
## sample estimates:
##   mean of x   mean of y 
## 0.007064109 0.022894948

or, using dplyr:

Rham.area = filter(data1,Family == "Rhamnaceae") %>% select(
Faba.area = filter(data1,Family == "Fabaceae") %>% select(
t.test(Rham.area, Faba.area)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  Rham.area and Faba.area
## t = -8.1351, df = 46.385, p-value = 1.762e-10
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -0.01974705 -0.01191463
## sample estimates:
##   mean of x   mean of y 
## 0.007064109 0.022894948

Given the p-value of \(1.76 \times 10^{-10}\), which is less than \(\alpha = 0.05\), we reject our null hypothesis that the mean cross-sectional area of vessels is the same for Rhamnaceae and Fabaceae species. Therefore, our analysis suggest that the average cross-section vessel area for species of these Families are different.