18 Coding club at MUN
Starting in Fall 2020, we hope to begin a weekly coding club aimed at undergraduates in Biology (or related disciplines) that would like to improve their coding skills.
During the coding club you might like to:
Re-read this manual and make sure you are able to complete the exercises.
Work on software carpentary modules: https://software-carpentry.org/lessons/
Work on coding club modules: https://ourcodingclub.github.io/
Work on University of Toronto coders modules: https://uoftcoders.github.io/studyGroup/lessons/
Work on the Tidy Tuesday problem: https://github.com/rfordatascience/tidytuesday
ADVANCED: Help us with the development of this manual. Specifically, if you can learn how to use
you can easily incorporate your suggestions. The repository for this training manual is here: https://github.com/ahurford/quantitative-training-guideADVANCED: Help others with
. Gradaute students are also welcome to attend coding club.